You are Halfway Through 2014: How's It Going?

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July 2 was the mid-point of 2014 already. How time passes! How are you doing on your new year’s resolutions? Overall, I’m keeping up with mine mainly because I made a one-page goal sheet for 2014 listing goals for several areas of my life and keep it with my (near) daily quiet time area. That way I can regularly review. I had selected a word for the year…this one being “HOPE” and with that, I’m not sure I’m doing so well.

Below is a post I wrote that first appeared here several weeks ago. As I look back over this, I realize I still have room for improvement. For example, under “engagement” just today I got myself embroiled into a negative conversation that ended up not being very fruitful (God still can redeem it.) Should I have even entered into the conversation in the first place? Not sure. Could I have approached it differently? Perhaps.

Now, on to the post.

Word of the Year: HOPE

The word HOPE has been part of my life for quite a few years now. Since 2005, I have had a small business called H.O.P.E. Unlimited, with HOPE standing for Helping Other People Excel. I’ve collected items with the word HOPE on them since then, and feel that the word hope is a pleasant word. It reminds us of a promising future and is a picture of what we have in Christ.

I chose to focus on the word HOPE this year, making it my “one word” for two reasons. One, I wanted to have a more settled, joyful approach to life. I found myself having difficultly with that in 2013 and have seen improvements in 2014. Second, I am using the letters of the word HOPE to give me four areas of focus.

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H – habits
Good habits are the foundation of a less-stressed, more productive life. For example, in mid-2013, my husband and I began a journey of learning to eat in a more healthy way. Over time, some of this lifestyle has become a habit. Other habits I’m cultivating deal with my quiet times, task/time management, home management, and goal setting.

O – opinions
I’m quite active with social media, and am giving thought to how often I should or should not share my opinion, or more importantly, base my decisions on the opinions of others. As a person who craves the approval of others, it is important that I concentrate more on what God is telling me to do and not be so influenced by the desire to be liked.

P – perspective
I want my perspective this year to be informed by my relationship with God. I am trying to slow down and not worry about the future while still making sensible and reasonable plans. I’m currently in a wilderness season regarding one area of my life, but God has been doing some good work in me during it, using the time to reshape my perspective. I also want to think differently than society on some things, and encourage people to step back and re-think their perspective from time to time as well.

E – engagement
I’m focusing more on my relationships, taking steps to become more intentional with some of them and also thinking through healthy boundaries. This doesn’t just refer to “in real life” relationships–I’m having to consider the “why” and “how much” of social media as well. 

So far, this year has been one of more hope, not only in the above areas, but in some meaningful experiences. God has gifted me with some unique opportunities so far this year despite the wilderness portion of our lives right now. He is teaching me that hope comes in lots of little gifts and that He is using me to bring hope to others as well.

[callout]May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. [biblegateway passage=”Romans 15:13″] NIV[/callout]


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