Hope in action


From 2020 on, we have been practicing ongoing ways to demonstrate HOPE in Action.  A portion of our income is deferred to a Give Hope Fund, and some clients choose to defer part of their purchase toward it.  Our Give HOPE Fund and other volunteer efforts give us the opportunity to provide hope through

  • occasional paid time for our team to pursue an act of "Giving Hope" for their community or causes close to their hearts
  • social media support to Soapstone Church, an enclave of African-American culture and history established in 1865 by freed slaves.  Find them on Instagram and Facebook.
  • "Blessings of HOPE" cards/bookmarks/gifts left in surprise places for people to discover and either keep or pass along
  • Whatever else we are led to do to give back!


In 2019, we worked on a year-long project that corresponds to our Lasting Hope division of HOPE Unlimited.  We created 365 posts to "Today's Name of God," a non-denominational attempt to celebrate up to 365 unique names and character traits of God.  See our page with more details about how to find these resources FREE.



HOPE IN ACTION 2018 Q1 Report

Our thanks to those who participated in Hope in Action Q1, coloring encouragement cards for military wives. Approximately 20 cards were included in planners being given to incoming volunteers on the board of Protestant Women of the Chapel.

HOPE Hint Mike Henry

HOPE IN ACTION 2018 Q2 Report

Our thanks to those who participated in Hope in Action Q2, submitting tips to share on our social media networks. With the tips we received, added to tips we already have, we essentially reached our goal of 25 tips. These have been worked into our recurring library of social media posts. You can see all the tips here.  This HIA project will remain an ongoing initiative.

shoe party 1

HOPE IN ACTION 2018 Q3 Report

THANK YOU so much for your collective contributions to the Sole Hope Shoe party.  We are delighted to share that denim templates for 37 pairs of shoes were prepared and sent to the NPO and ultimately will end up in Uganda where shoe makers will assemble the shoes and they will be distributed to toddlers to protect their feet from jiggers. We completed 7 more kits than the original goal of 30 thanks to your provision of denim, funding, and working hands!

Click here for the link to the online photo album.

Click here for Beth's Instagram Story on the evening.  You do not have to be on Instagram to enjoy it. It should just be playable as is.



Rest and Reflect.  We intentionally took a break from planning/executing any projects. Rest is important, too.

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