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The 2014 Coffee Break Bible studies are designed to help you travel through the entire New Testament in one year. You are currently about half-way through already! I hope they have been a blessing to you!
Read [biblegateway passage=”Romans 13″].
What does this chapter teach us about our relationship with authorities?
What does verse 8 teach about debt and love?
Read [biblegateway passage=”Romans 14″].
How should we behave toward another brother or sister in Christ that may be having doubts about “disputable matters?”
Write out verse 19. How can you live that out today?
Read [biblegateway passage=”Romans 15″].
If you had to describe this chapter in one word, what would it be?
Write out and ponder verse 13.
Read [biblegateway passage=”Romans 16″].
What do you learn about Paul based on his personal greetings?
What does Paul “urge” in verse 17?
Read [biblegateway passage=”1 Corinthians 1″].
What does Paul remind the Corinthians of in verse 7? What does this say to you?
According to verse 10, what is important to Paul?
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