Coffee Break Bible Study: Romans 8-12 #bgbg2

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Coffee Break Bible Studies are provided to help busy people pause for time in God’s Word. I provide links to the Scriptures available on Bible Gateway. I hope this makes it even more convenient for you.

Read [biblegateway passage=”Romans 8″].

Write out verse 1. What does this mean to you?

Verse 15 confirms our status with God. What is it?


Read [biblegateway passage=”Romans 9″].

According to verse 16, on what does salvation depend?

Who is verse 33 referring to?


Read [biblegateway passage=”Romans 10″].

In verses 14-15 we see someone praised. Who is it?

How can you share good news with someone today?


Read [biblegateway passage=”Romans 11″].

What does this chapter teach you about being part of God’s family?

At the end of the chapter, how is God glorified and praised?


Read [biblegateway passage=”Romans 12″].

What does it mean to offer yourself as a “living sacrifice?”
What principles from this chapter can you apply to your workplace today?


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