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Several weeks ago, I provided a reader survey and I thought it might be interesting for you to know the results. The video goes into more detail and is less than eight minutes long, but if you are like me, you sometimes just want a summary. So I’m providing both a video and a post for you.
First of all, thank you to those who took the time to complete the survey and for the uplifting comments several of you shared. I’m glad this blog and my resources are an encouragement to you!
There were ten questions on the survey so I’ll break it down question by question (percentages are rounded).
1. An overwhelming 95% receive my posts through email.
2. Everyone who responded felt that my products and services offered were clear.
3. About half of the respondents confirmed that they receive both the weekly blog posts and the monthly “5 on the 15th” newsletter. About one-third wouldn’t mind receiving additional items, and about 30% would like further choice in deciding which blog posts to receive.
4. For about 85% of the respondents, it doesn’t really matter whether they would have to “click more” to read the rest of the article.
5. Respondents seem fairly united in the perception that my main readership is female, over 40, and works at least part-time outside the home, with faith being an important part of their lives.
6. Question six dealt with details that would show me the actual demographic of my readers. There were several definitions respondents could choose, so I’ll share the top three. Readers are 40+, female, and their values are very important to them. Additionally, over 70% like to share good content with others.
7. This question revealed the importance of the Coffee Break Bible Studies. About 77% feel these are either the main reason for subscribing or would miss them if they were not included.
8. I love the responses to readers summing up my blog. Here are three, among several others, that were encouraging:
- A Jesus break for the busy
- A blog designed to empower others to excel in their faith, ministry, family and career
- Helping people (mostly women, I think) to develop both professionally and spiritually according to Christian values.
9. The primary reasons readers want to stay in touch are that they have read one or more of my books (around half), they used to be part of my former membership site, or they have used a product or service in the past. Additionally, about one-quarter were introduced to me by a friend.
10. The last question gave opportunity to share a personal message and I thank you for the encouragement.
What I learned from the survey:
- I share in more detail in the video, but here are some main conclusions and assumptions based on the data and my experience blogging. Some of these may surprise you.
- I rarely hear directly from readers, and my web visits and email list numbers remain pretty static.
- My readers appreciate the faith-flavored but practical posts
- My audience is primarily women over 40 who are working outside the home and whose faith/values are important to them.
- Readers enjoy also reading my book(s). I continue to publish books, and greatly appreciate your support and loyalty.
What you should know:
I make part of my living through blogging, speaking, book sales and virtual assistance/consulting. Since I have several interests, you may assume my calendar is extremely full, however I will admit to you that I could use more business.
Here are seven ways you can benefit from my services and also say thank you if you enjoy the ongoing support and encouragement:
- Purchase my books and encourage others to do so.
- Book me for a speaking engagement.
- Recommend me as a virtual assistant or consultant for organizations that may need extra help. Much can be done online now.
- Visit my new store at this link.
- Share my posts with others.
- When shopping at Amazon, always go through my site first (use the Amazon search box.) I receive a portion of anything you buy while the price doesn’t change for you!
- Give me a tip. At the bottom of this and future blog posts there will be a button that makes it easy for you to do so. For example (this one works):
One last point…I remain active on social media and would be happy to connect with you. Here’s the current strategy I generally follow:
Instagram: general life photos, and an occasional visual productivity tip/thought
Facebook: posting about life, thought provoking questions, observations, fun stuff, etc.
Twitter: near daily tips (these also go to my Facebook business page)
Pinterest: items from blog posts, and thoughts and quotes from my books
Linked In: business related tip/information/thought, usually once per weekday
Google+: inspiration, thoughts and questions about the intersection of life, work and faith, posted at least once a week and randomly more often as I feel like it.
[callout]so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:17 NIV[/callout] [biblegateway passage=”2 Timothy 3:17″] #bgbg2
Thanks again for your participation and I invite you to watch the video if you are interested in more details!
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