Swift Seven: Tips to Enjoy Your Workday

Welcome to “Swift Seven,” a new blog post format that I will use on occasion to share a very quick, but helpful list of seven tips related to a topic.

Before I give you the seven tips, don’t forget that we are in the 10-day launch period for my new book, and you could win a surprise package from me! Click here to read the details, watch a video, and enter the drawing (no purchase required for the drawing.) If you buy the book this week, you can get a free personality assessment as well! Please tell others about these special opportunities–they expire midnight Sunday night!


Now, on to the “Swift Seven” tips to enjoy your workday:

1. Start the day with a brief moment of inspiration at your work space. Read a quote or devotion, say a silent prayer, look at an inspiring photo.

2. Plan to bless one coworker with an uplifting word or small act of kindness. Then do it!

[callout]Be kind and compassionate to one another…[biblegateway passage=”Ephesians 4:32″ display=”Ephesians 4:32a NIV”] [/callout]

3. Start a list of things to be thankful for at your job, or add at least one item to an existing list.

4. Take a moment to stretch and breathe deeply.

5. Organize or decorate a very small part of your work space. Perhaps cull a file or two, straighten a drawer, or do a little dusting.  Look at my “Creative Workspaces” board for inspiration.

6. Take a reasonable break. Don’t work through your entire lunch. Take a moment outside and try to notice something about the building or landscaping you’ve never seen before.

7. Express thanks that you have a job, remembering those less fortunate.

Bonus: Buy the Boost Your Workplace Morale: A Practical Guide for Employees (and their Managers) book to have a handbook of ideas and discussion prompters handy.

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