Turbo Hopes You’ll Join! And Other Thoughts from March

Hi readers!  Can you believe we are already at the end of March. WOW.  2022 is flying by!  Here are some thoughts collected throughout the month of March, but before you read on, I wanted to let you know that I’m still experimenting with my return to blogging.  I may be posting some separate blogs on specific topics at random times either in addition to, or instead of, this monthly digest format. Subscribers would receive the posts them immediately by email.  I’ll aim to keep them short, encouraging, and helpful.  We will see how it goes. Just wanted you to understand what’s happening if you see me pop up a little more frequently.

Honorable Living

This month, I began to share some Names of God on my YouTube Channel. For three years, we ran an Instagram account sharing 365 unique, Scripture-based names of God. I’ve felt prompted to start sharing some of them via video, and am currently using my YouTube channel to share them from time to time. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for these 60-second mini-devotionals.

This month, I attended two different funerals, and have another coming up in April. Life transitions such as funerals and weddings make you stop and think about what’s important. If you aren’t settled about your future, I invite you to read my Lasting Hope page and contact me if you’d like to chat.

Organized Productivity

“I know WHAT I’m supposed to do with my email. I just don’t have the motivation/enthusiasm to do it.”

This was what one of my clients expressed to me in a recent “continuous improvement” session.  I had helped her clean up her email and develop some new systems, but the energy to keep implementing the process wasn’t there.

I gave it some thought and within the conversation and in thinking about it later, I thought about how all of us have some type of task that we know WHAT to do about, but aren’t enthused about.

It’s like dusting. While there are some people who like to clean, I’d guess there are many people who don’t look forward to dusting. But most people enjoy a dusted home.

It’s the same way with email.  It may not be fun to process, but the feeling of in-box zero or in-box manageable is often worth it.

So, tie your boring tasks to a greater goal. How will you FEEL when that email box is reasonable (or that room is dusted?)  Will having an in-box that is well managed actually allow you more time for the developmental and even money-making tasks that will move you further in your goals?

Remember too, we can help you with your in-box … maybe it’s time to have someone else lend a hand.  Check out our a’ la carte services to help you have a less stressful administrative life.

People Skills

This month, in the Humane Marketing Circle I belong to, we used a cool app called Mural to create and share ideas.  While the group was divided into Zoom breakout rooms, we were able to add our thoughts to the main visual board.  Pretty neat experience!  Collaboration in person is awesome, but one of the benefits of the Internet is that you can interact with people around the world. (Several companies are represented in this group, for people who want to approach marketing in a kinder, less pushy way. The circle opens again for a short time for new members, starting April, and if you join with this link, you’ll allow me a little income, too.

Enjoyment of Life

If you are feeling low sometimes, here’s a number where you can listen to some messages of joy from Kindergartners.

Peptalk Hotline – messages of joy from Kindergartners  707-998-8410

Featured Freebies

HOPE HINTS: Click here for April’s HOPE Hints page.

WORKSHEET: Click here for Giving Notice to My Notifications. If you are tired of so many notifications interrupting your day, use this worksheet to craft a better approach

This month’s free book is 52 Scripture-based Affirmations for Your Work Life. Download it from Amazon for free April 1-5.  (No fooling!)

Finished book:  This month, I finished Dearest Dorothy: Help, I’ve Lost Myself!  This is a sweet series about a vibrant 80-year-old and the lessons she and her friends and family are learning as they walk with God and each other in a small-town setting.

Coming up!

April is my birthday month!  If you like my content, I’d love for you to consider joining my Coffee Club this month. I’m committed to continuing quality content for free, but my readers who are in the coffee club help support my time/costs and therefore bless all the others! One-time or monthly gifts starting at $2 allow members to also receive occasional exclusive content from Turbo, my #officecat – he’s super cute, comical, and smart, so don’t miss out!

As always, thanks for reading!

With hope,

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