Four Tips to Organize the Business Part of Your Purse

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Is your purse full of receipts, coins, cash and cards? Simplify your life with these ideas.

Consider using separate change purses or sections of a wallet as an “envelope system.”
Keep your most used cards in a handy part of the wallet and consolidate lesser used cards into another section or change purse. That way you don’t have to sort through a pile of membership/debit/credit/health/library cards to get to the ones you use most.

Have a set place to put your receipts, either in the wallet or in the same section of your purse. Empty that section regularly.
Enough said.

Empty your wallet when you get home.
Well, not all of it. Just take out the day’s receipts and coins and store accordingly. For example, I put receipts in my monthly receipt box and take loose change and put it in a container for myself or the household, depending on how the original cash was spent. (I keep the cash in separate pouches.)

[callout]These were his instructions: “Take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in your belts. [biblegateway passage=”Mark 6:8″ display=”Mark 6:8″][/callout]

Refill your wallet as necessary.
I try to live guided by a budget so I have a certain amount of cash for spending each month. I choose not to carry the entire month’s cash at once, so I replenish as necessary when cleaning out my wallet.

If you get in the habit of cleaning out your purse regularly, before long it will be second nature.

[Tweet “Get in the habit of cleaning out your wallet/purse regularly. Before long it will be second nature.”]


*Note: I don’t recommend putting money in accessible pockets like the photo above. This image is just to suggest keeping things in set pockets for organizing purposes.



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