Coffee Break Bible Study: 2 Thessalonians 3; 1 Timothy 1-4 #bgbg2


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Read [biblegateway passage=”2 Thessalonians 3″].

What did Paul request the Thessalonians pray for?

What does Paul have to say about idleness?

Read [biblegateway passage=”1 Timothy 1″].

Who is Paul writing to, and why?

How did God’s grace turn Paul’s life around?

Read [biblegateway passage=”1 Timothy 2″].

What should we do for authority?

According to the Life Application Bible study notes, women in Paul’s day were not allowed to study. How do these verses show Paul opening a door for women?

Read [biblegateway passage=”1 Timothy 3″].

What qualities are important for a church leader?

How can women display good character?

Read [biblegateway passage=”1 Timothy 4″].

What is something to be aware of in “later times”?

How does Paul encourage Timothy in verses 12-16?


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