Grumpy? Or Grateful? (Personal Reflection Guide Printable)

I admit it. While starting to write this post, I was feeling rather out of sorts. I’d been reminded of some unmet goals, in part because I was seeing some fun experiences others were having and fell into the comparison trap.

Then, I also felt guilty for not being more grateful. After all, I am richly blessed, and often in ways that aren’t tangible or material.

So how do you, and I, pull ourselves out of the grumpy funk, particularly if it’s work related? Maybe we don’t like a task we have to do. Or are envious of others who appear to make far more money. Or are working hard on certain initiatives and don’t see many tangible results from our efforts.

A gratefulness exercise can be one way to reframe our thinking. So, I’m providing you a personal reflection guide today. Get by yourself for a few minutes and ask yourself these questions (I’m focusing primarily on readjusting our attitude toward our professional life, but you can use these questions in a personal way as well.)

  1. If I had to leave this position today, what would I most miss? (Yes, you do have to find SOMETHING you’d miss.)
  2. Write the name of an individual you are blessed to know because of your work…someone you wouldn’t have met otherwise.
  3. You have a skill you apply every day at your job–probably more than one. Allow yourself to be proud of a skill and write it down.
  4. What are you able to have or do because of the income you make, that you would struggle to do if you did not have this job?*
  5. Write a statement of gratefulness incorporating your answers to the above.

A special note for the unemployed or underemployed…I have lost several jobs over the years. While these questions pertain to work, try to apply them to a reflection of a past job, or adjust the questions to apply to your current season. I am sorry for this difficult season. If I can be of encouragement to you personally, please contact me.

For a free printable, click here: Personal Reflection Guide – Grumpy or Grateful

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