Coffee Break Bible Study: John 3-7

For former Coffee Break Bible studies, visit the elevate page. We are traveling through the New Testament throughout all of 2014 but you can jump in anytime!

Why do I provide Coffee Break Bible studies? I know that many of you are busy professionals, and sometimes time to spend in God’s Word can seem elusive. Coffee Break Bible studies are meant to provide you a way to dip into God’s Word during the short pauses in your life, such as coffee and lunch breaks.

Read John 3.

Write out John 3:16, perhaps in more than one version. What does it mean to you?

If we live by the attitude in verse 30, how would that change our lives?

Read John 4.

What did many of the Samaritans believe about Jesus? What do you believe?

Read verses 46-54 again. What do you learn from this miracle?

Read John 5.

How did Jesus handle the healing of the man at the Pool of Bethesda? What do you learn from this?

How do you see the oneness of the Trinity through verse 19?

Read John 6. 

What do you learn from some of the specific steps Jesus took in feeding of the 5000?

Write out verse 48. How is Jesus “Bread” to you?

Read John 7.

Consider verse 5. Is there someone in your life that you feel does not believe in you? How does that make you feel? How can you look to God for fulfilling your needs for security and affirmation?

What does verse 8 show you about how Jesus made decisions?
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