Be Thankful for Your Job – and a Breath of Hope for November

Hello readers!

I don’t know about you, but it’s kind of hard to believe we are almost into the holiday season in the US (already are if you count Halloween.) I don’t like to rush holidays and resist anything much about Christmas until after Thanksgiving—which brings me to a good spot to tell you about your November freebies!

You may notice a little different formating on the November page of the website, and that’s because I’ve changed the name from Freebies, Features and Fun to A Breath of Hope.  I wanted to tie it to the email that goes out each month* and represent the following elements:

H – Hints (tips, tricks and thoughts to help you excel and exhale)
O – Opportunities (services and products that help you connect with hope and me)
P – Poll (the monthly quick-question poll about a variety of professional topics)
E – Encouragement – (general encouragement related to your professional—and sometimes personal) life.

Topics generally tie into one or more of four key soft skills competency areas:

H – Habits and Values
O – Organization and Time Management
P – People Skills and Emotional Intelligence
E – Engagement and Communication

Your freebie for the month is a worksheet to help you reflect on reasons to be thankful for your job, and the November Hope Hints sheet is free for you as well.  In addition, one of my books will be free on Amazon for five days, so be sure to check out this month’s page to learn more about your freebies and see the other hints and the poll.

*One other thing…for November and December (and possibly longer) I’m reducing blogging to just twice a month. The post on the 1st will remain a way to let you know about that month’s “Breath of Hope” and the second blog (the 15th) will be some sort of content like a text post or a video, or something else related to our key competencies.

My readers and followers connect in a variety of places from receiving something by email to interacting on social media in more than one venue. I want to take some time to consider how/where I offer content without it being too repetitive if someone follows in more than one place. I also need to consider the most fruitful types of content and where to place them, so I can balance content production with serving as a virtual Executive Assistant and Soft Skills Strategist. Such consideration takes time, and the holiday season seems like a good time for everyone to have one less thing to read (or write/prepare) the next couple of months. Sound good?

A Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it – I’m thankful for YOU!


PS: In last month’s poll, “less than five” was to top response in terms of notifications on phones. This month, I ask what time you get started at work.

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