March Freebie

A Workplace Scavenger Hunt: March Freebies, Features and Fun

It’s time for our monthly Freebies, Features and Fun page!

This month’s goodies include a free download of a workplace scavenger hunt that will make it easy for you to have a little fun at work. I would love to see a picture of you and your team looking around for these items!

This month’s Refresh bundle is on the theme of Integrity. There’s a free sample available at the page, but the full bundle is emailed to you directly every month when you become a member.

Will March stay true to the adage, “Come in like a lion, go out like a lamb?” We’ll see…truthfully, I wouldn’t mind one more pretty snow storm here in upstate SC before spring and pollen comes our way. But it’s not looking like that will happen. How about where you live?

Thanks for reading!


PS: to access past freebies, click here.

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