The HOPE Family Ties Are Deep


Some time ago, we had the opportunity to use our Give HOPE Fund to assist a client whose business was affected by a weather incident.

In the process, I rediscovered how blessed we are with the HOPE collective. You see, when you become a client, or read HOPE resources regularly, or become a Patron, or buy a product–you become part of the HOPE family. Here are some things I’ve experienced:

Clients that are not competitive with one another, but synergistic.

Clients willing to recommend us to others without fear it will impact the level of service they receive.

Colleagues who will offer not to be paid for a particular task or period of time, if they feel it will contribute to the overall good or is fair to the client in that situation.

Clients who surprised a teammate with a bouquet of flowers after a large project.

Clients who’ve offered free tickets to a sporting event and meaningful gifts.

Patrons who donate money in appreciation for the free resources/articles.

Readers who have followed and engaged with me for years.

Clients who will give back by donating a portion of their retainer to the Give HOPE fund and/or participate if there is a special need (like the one mentioned above.)

When I thanked one client for participating in a particular initiative, they replied, “The HOPE family ties are deep.

It’s an honor to oversee this collective–this family–of wonderful, diverse, caring people.

If you are reading this, YOU are part of the family. Thank you.

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