Goals 2014: Where I Succeeded and Failed, Part 2

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If the target above were referring to last year’s goals, it would pretty accurately show how I did. Last week I started confessing how I did on goals in 2014, sharing where I hit the bullseye and where I went off-target. This week, I’ll finish up my report and tell you how I’m approaching goals for 2015.


I had set several specific recreational goals. I didn’t fully accomplish any of them, but I did do a few. I have a hard time with hobbies sometimes. I tend to get bored easily, but I’m coming to a point of embracing being a dabbler–that IS my hobby. 

  • Target shoot 12 times. Partly accomplished (four times)
  • Make two scarves Partly accomplished (made one)
  • Make nine bookmarks Partly accomplished (made four)
  • Play flute (for myself) 12 times Hardly accomplished (played once)
  • Play disc golf with six times Somewhat accomplished (played twice) 


  • 12 intentional times with friends/socializing at least once a month. Accomplished. We accomplished that goal through regular lunches and a regular “couples night out” plan. It’s important to carve out time to be with friends.


  • Do 25 specific, small organizing tasks, mostly around the house. Partially accomplished. I did 19.


Overall, I feel satisfied with how last year went. However, I am changing my approach a bit this year, and here’s how. I hope some of thiese ideas may be helpful to you.

  • Tracking goals through an app called Goal Tracker. Since I have a series of apps I look through in the evening before bed, this is a logical way to nearly daily check in on my goals.
  • I reduced the number of goal areas to seven, not ten. Within those areas are no more than three actual goals. So I may have a similar number, but they are categorized more realistically.
  • I am aligning more with my personality. Instead of shooting for 100 intentional activity times again, I am tracking steps (and step equivalents) and recording my steps daily. I have a goal to get to a certain average number of steps a day by December. I think this will work for me because I can do exercise in smaller spurts throughout the day. I have added a goal of at least 50 episodes of one particular type of exercise though, which I’ll also record in step equivalents. It is half the number of last year, but still ambitious.
  • I’m combining a couple of goals. I mentioned in last week’s post that I’ve played my flute more this year than all of last year. That’s because as part of my quiet time, I decided to play through a hymnal this year, taking in the rich theology in the verses at the same time. This is combining two important goals.

I don’t feel bad about the goals I didn’t make last year (except maybe the weight.) A lot of good things happened last year and new chapters started. It was a GOOD year and I’m grateful. I am not the sum of the goals I accomplish. 

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Engage (with the online community via blog comments or social media):

What changes are you making this year to help you accomplish your goals?

Think about (for personal reflection or discussion with colleagues)

Business Value Key Word: Discipline

Source: Brainyquote.com


[biblegateway passage=”Isaiah 41:10″]






1. What goal accomplishment from last year are you most proud of?

2. Has your organization adjusted any goals for this year based on performance from last year?

3. In what way has discipline, or lack of it, impacted your personal or professional goals?

4. In what ways do you need to rely on the Lord this year as you try to accomplish goals?

5. Are there some goals you need to toss this year?


This blog post recounts my experience having a shooting lesson with Gabby Franco of Top Shot fame. I learned some things that can apply to goal setting–and life. It might help you, too!

Benefit from:
BWM CoverIf one of your goals is to improve the morale at your workplace–and you can do this even if you are not “the boss”–my book Boosting Your Workplace Morale gives lots of practical, hands on ideas for blessing your co-workers and building teamwork.





Share: Who in your circle of influence would benefit from knowing about goal setting tools like Goal Tracker? Share this post with them (or your networks!) today!

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