Coffee Break Bible Study: Acts 26-28; Romans 1-2 #bgbg2

Coffee Break Bible studies are provided to help you pause with God’s Word in the midst of your busy days. Starting with this CBBS, I’ll be linking the chapter with Bible Gateway so you can read the passage directly from the screen if you like. (If you receive these by email, you’ll need to return to the site itself.)

Read [biblegateway passage=”Acts 26″].

How did Paul handle his conversation with King Agrippa?

Do you think Paul went too far in appealing to Caesar?


Read  [biblegateway passage=”Acts 27″].

What scary event happens in this chapter?

What was the outcome of the storm? (v. 44) How can you trust God through the scary things in life?


Read [biblegateway passage=”Acts 28″].

How did the inhabitants of the island welcome the shipwrecked crew?

How can you create a welcome environment at your workplace?


Read [biblegateway passage=”Romans 1″].

Who is the author of Romans and what do you know about him so far?

Write out verse 16. Is there anyone you hesitate to share the Gospel with?


Read [biblegateway passage=”Romans 2″].

What is an important lesson to each of us from verse 1?

What do we learn about heart attitudes in verses 17-29?


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