Happy Easter!

Friends, on this celebratory day, I feel prompted to share something.

I’m thankful for all my readers, who represent a diverse group of people with a variety of backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. I thank you for being interested in my posts and for the gracious dialog you participate in when I share thoughts and questions.

Today, I invite you to consider the simplicity of the gospel. It’s not about a denomination, or even attending church at all. It’s not about checking off a list of “good things” to do to somehow merit God’s love. It’s not about being a good person so someday you can go to heaven. (How good is “good enough” anyway?)

Today is about a Savior who took care of all that for you. What’s next? Simply receive it. In your own words to Him, acknowledge that He is the One you are relying on–not your good works (though they reflect Him), not your denomination (though good things are done through all of them), not your unselfishness toward others (though the community is blessed when you are kind and thoughtful) and not your political/philosophical viewpoints (although there is need for wisdom and discernment in these arenas.) He simply invites us to have a relationship with Him and quit trying to do this on our own.

I’d be honored to dialog privately with anyone who wants to about this.. Otherwise, I hope that today makes a big difference in your life in some way. Maybe it will be the first time you really thought of it this way and you choose to acknowledge it. Maybe it will remind you of that first time when you did.

He is Risen.
He is Risen Indeed.

Happy Easter, friends!

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