A Free Tool to Help You Face the Overwhelm in Life

The project itself was a picture of life.

It involved people.

It was a journey over time.

There was a need for funds.

There was a shift in focus.

There were edits, and edits, and edits.

There was creativity.

There was logic.

There were hiccups.

There was joy.

Doesn’t that sound like many projects–or even life itself? Going from “Start your engines” to the checkered flag involves a series of twists, turns, bumps, re-starts, pit stops, etc. I’m delighted to share with you that we’ve crossed the finish line on a major project.

One of HOPE Unlimited’s core reasons for being is to provide hope to others. The usual focus is to give hope in the overwhelm of careers and small business, but the foundation of the values behind this business is my view of lasting hope.  We use what we call the Give HOPE Fund to sponsor projects and other initiatives that will give back and help others.

For several years, I served on the board of Life In Abundance, a non-profit that provides counseling and life coaching to women, and has also started a program called Wings, (Women In Need Gaining Strength.) I continue to serve as a board advisor.

I also have a friend and former colleague, who years ago felt called to write Bible studies. I watched her go through seminary training while also keeping up with full time work at a church where I used to be on staff. After she graduated, a thought came to mind to make a connection.

HOPE commissioned Barbara Lynn Seibel to write a study for Life In Abundance that would encourage those going through unemployment or underemployment (something I have experienced several times in my career.) So she selected a Psalm and began the process.

Once the first draft was done, Stephanie Baker, the Executive Director of LIA (and co-author with Karina Whisnant and me of Organizing from the Heart,) reviewed it, and felt it was so meaningful that it may be even better as a study for anyone going through a disappointment or troubling time of any kind. So Barbara went back to the drawing board to re-vamp the study.

Then, we utilized Raydell Tedder, and Amy Tedder of AT Your Design, (both are members of HOPE’s collective) to proof the study, and do the layout/design, utilizing creative elements such as images to color, hymn scores, and journaling space.

I had the privilege of being involved in the creative and management process, and HOPE was able to fund the whole project, which tangentially involved quite a few people due to how the Give HOPE Fund is, well, funded.

It is with grateful joy that I present to you completely free of charge the following study.  It is the property of Life In Abundance, and they produce an encouraging blog, so if you’d also like to receive their posts, you can visit their site. However, they graciously agreed that HOPE and Barbara could share the study directly on our sites as well.

This study is based on the Psalm, not any particular church, denomination, etc. We hope it will be an encouraging exercise to many who feel overwhelmed, or even just unsettled, by anything. I’d love to hear how it impacts you. Contact me to let me know!

Click on the image to download.

LIA Psalm 3 study COVER

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  1. Pingback: Freedom Week - (Highlights) - Beth Beutler

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