Coffee Break Bible Study: Revelation 2-6 #bgbg2

Read [biblegateway passage=”Revelation 2″].

What was a concern about the church in Ephesus, and what does that reveal to us?


How does the messenger encourage the church at Smyrna?

Read [biblegateway passage=”Revelation 3″].


The church at Sardis is told to “wake up!” In what area of your life do you need to “wake up” and pay more attention to?


What is the church of Philadephia told?


Read [biblegateway passage=”Revelation 4″].

Use some of the praise words in this chapter to inspire your own time of praise.


What are some elements in this chapter that pique your senses?


Read [biblegateway passage=”Revelation 5″].


Who is the only one worthy of praise?


Imagine a time when all the world–every creature–will praise God.


Read [biblegateway passage=”Revelation 6″].

What are some of the things that touch you about the opening of the seven seals?


What characteristics of God are revealed in this chapter?


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