Coffee Break Bible Study: Acts 21-25 #bgbg2

Coffee Break Bible studies are provided to give people with a full schedule an opportunity to pause with God’s word. Being in God’s word regularly helps you solidify your principles and values and apply them to your life and work. I hope these are a blessing to you!


Read [biblegateway passage=”Acts 21″].

Why do you think the Spirit may have kept Paul from going to Jerusalem?

Think of a time where you felt led to stay away from something. Thank God for His leadership and guidance.


Read [biblegateway passage=”Acts 22″].

What blesses you from Paul’s testimony?

How can your testimony bless others?


Read [biblegateway passage=”Acts 23″].

What commandment does Paul remember in verse 5?

How did the Lord encourage Paul in verse 11?


Read [biblegateway passage=”Acts 24″].

How did Paul answer his accusers?

How did Felix respond to Paul?


Read [biblegateway passage=”Acts 25″].

Why do you think Paul appealed to Ceasar? Do you think that was wise?

What does verse 27 indicate about fairness in enforcing the law?


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