Pine and candle

A Breath of Hope for December

Hello readers!

Just a quick drop-in to let you know that the Breath of Hope page for December 2019 is ready!  You’ll find some hints, opportunities, our monthly poll, and encouragement there.

Your freebie for the month is a simple coloring sheet to help you reflect on the gift of work, and the December Hope Hints sheet is free for you as well.

In addition, one of my books will be free on Amazon for five days, so be sure to check out this month’s page to learn more about your freebies and see the other hints and the poll.

I don’t feel like I’ve had much downtime to think about content (like I hoped for when writing this greeting in November!)  December feels like it is going to be pretty full as well. I’ll continue to blog about two times a month for now, with the occasional additional greeting!

Merry Christmas and Season’s Greetings to All!


PS: In last month’s poll, “between 7 and 8” was to top response in terms of time when you start work. This month, I ask how many days off you receive at the holidays.

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