All Organized Ebook Bundle

Note: The sale has ended. A big THANK YOU to those who purchased the bundle. I received a blessing from it!



Today I am introducing you to a bundle of e-books that is on a limited sale through April 7. It’s the first e-book bundle that I have been invited to be part of, and my book, An Excellent Life, Five Simple Strategies for Doing Life Well, is included.

Many of you may already have my book, because I offer it free to blog subscribers. However, there are 22 other books in this bundle that focus on organizing, scheduling, and managing life well.

My normal practice is to only recommend items that I have personal experience with or have read. Obviously, it was not realistic for me to read 23 books in the time I had between becoming part of this and sharing about the limited-time sale. So, I decided I would choose several books to read, knowing that if you based your purchase on my recommendation you’d be getting at least $20 of information and motivation, not to mention the additional 14 books (including mine) you could also read.  Here are the nine I read with a quote from each one.

  • 10 Steps to Organized Paper by Lisa Woodruff – “In organizing your home paperwork, you will gain clarity and purpose.”
  • GTD for Homemakers by Mystie Winkler (based on the concepts in Getting Things Done by David Allen). “GTD is about managing your stuff and your actions, and once those are under control your mind is left more free and clear to focus on the present moment with your family.”
  • Creating a Schedule That Works by Marlene Griffith – “The key to creating a schedule is doing it in bite-sized pieces.”
  • Clean Enough by Jenni Mullinix – “Because life is so much more than a clean house.”
  • Simple Living: Thirty Days to Less Stuff and More Life by Lorilee Lippincott – “Sometimes just keeping the small areas of our life organized can make us feel like we are in control of much more.”
  • 100 Days of a New Year by Jennifer Tankersley – “…daily navigation to set goals and establish healthy habits.”
  • Productivity 2.0 by Prerna Malik – ” ‘ Systems’ is just a fancy term for automated or semi-automated processes that help you do more in less time and with less effort.”
  • Project Organize Your Entire Life by Stephanie Morgan – “It was by no means the most visible space in our home, but it was the spot that frustrated me most.”
  • 28 Days to Timeliness by Davonne Parks – “You are not a victim of your own lateness. You are taking charge of your time.

Most of these books are short, easy reads, so you can get helpful information (i.e. access to printables), ideas and motivation without having to devote hours to reading the book.*

[callout] Should you decide to purchase the bundle, I receive a portion of your purchase. I welcome your feedback on the product. It is an honor to serve you and provide information and encouragement to help you excel. [/callout]


[callout]But as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all earnestness, and in our love for you—see that you excel in this act of grace also. 2 Corinthians 8:7 ESV[/callout]

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