A blogging break



Dear readers,

I’ve been publishing a blog post per week for over two years, and have written or co-written at least one book a year since 2012.  May I make a confession?

I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. And tired.

The good news is, business and opportunity has been growing. I feel certain in this season that the direction I’m going with HOPE Unlimited is the path it should be on right now. I am thankful to be serving several clients, slowly building a team, and having regular opportunities to teach business soft skills.

The one area that feels dry is writing.

Generally, I try to do a little writing each week, and ideally like to be 3-4 weeks ahead on my blog posts. I also like to have at least a small book in progress at all times. I have ideas filed away and even some videos in raw form, but as I think about trying to add more to the blog right now, it almost feels like a duty.

So I’ve decided to take a blogging break, and get some feedback from YOU!

For the month of April, the anniversary month of HOPE Unlimited and also the month of my birthday, (which happens to be a milestone one this year) the blog will go temporarily dark. However, I’ll be collecting feedback from my readers through this year’s 5-question reader survey.

After you’ve taken a few minutes to do the survey, may I encourage you to use this opportunity to visit some of the blog posts from the past, which I am linking to below? It never hurts to re-read things and try some new applications.

Meanwhile, during the month, in addition to carrying out responsibilities to clients, a speaking engagement for administrative professionals, and prep for a local Lunch and Learn series starting in May, I will be taking some time off to relax, rest, and refresh myself. I’ll enjoy some birthday celebrating, and while I may do a little writing and brainstorming to “get ahead,” you won’t see anything published until May other than reminders about the survey.

I am grateful for my readers–and in the days before making this decision, I received a couple of very encouraging emails mentioning the blessing of the blog. So with those bits of energetic encouragements to kick me off, I go into a publishing sabbatical that I trust will recalibrate the workflow, creativity, and quality of writing, to be an even greater blessing when it returns.

Here are some links to blogs you might enjoy reading in place of the ones each Monday:

Thank you for being part of my audience. I wish you a refreshing spring season!



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1 thought on “A blogging break”

  1. Pingback: I'm back...sort of - Beth Beutler

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