The Month of Giving Ends – Sort Of! – 10 Freebies for You

All month I’ve been pointing out freebies and affordable resources available to you through HOPE Unlimited. As we’ve reached the last Sunday of the month, I want to provide you a recap list for your convenience, in case you missed out on anything!  AND, there will a fresh, new Freebies & Features page on February 1st that I’ll talk about in next week’s post.  So essentially, the “month of giving” extends a little more next week.

Here’s a recap of all the freebies mentioned in January – a Top 10 list if you will.

  • Freebies and Features Page: January’s F&F page is up here. Get your free downloads and other info!  I currently provide a monthly freebies & features page to help you easily access resources to help you excel and exhale.
  • Archive Page:  Miss the freebie from last month (or months prior)? No worries. This page is a collection of freebies past and present and will continue to grow.
  • Refresh – Helping You Take Breaks that Work. I’m concerned for professionals (myself included sometimes) that don’t take a real, meaningful break or two during their workday. These fun exercises (that can be cut to fit into a planner) will help you do that.  The full January bundle is FREE as an introduction to this service. Click here for more info.
  • Today’s Name of God – this is our Hope in Action project for 2019. The goal is to discover and share 365 names/characteristics of God. The project is non-denominational. It’s ideal for anyone who feels that God is a foundation to their personal value system and who would appreciate the near-daily inspiration.  Posts began on January 1st on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and there are other ways to see the names, too. Click here for the details.
  • Updated membership options (including a FREE one!) HOPE Unlimited has moved toward a variety of membership options to serve overwhelmed professionals whether or not they are interested in Virtual Assistance. Get all the details (and join the Breath of Hope level free!) here.
  • Our free Facebook (a closed, but inviting) group always welcomes new members. We interact over work-life questions of the day, tips, humor, etc.  Join us here.
  • The HOPE playlist on Spotify. This is a collection of songs that I like and that others have suggested, all tying into the theme of HOPE. There’s a wide variety here.
  • The @helpingpros Instagram page. On a regular basis, I post tips, photos, and stories to encourage you in your professional life, like the one mentioned above.
  • Unlock the Doors to a Peaceful Work Day – a free mini-course with five keys to putting together a less stressful workday.
  • Free strategy session: I offer a free 30-minute strategy session to anyone who would like some ideas to reduce their stress at work and/or information about the various services we offer to help you do just that!  Pick a time slot here! 

HOPE is a place for you to receive practical ideas and encouragement. I hope you’ll hang around for a long time to come!

PS: Don’t forget this deal–ends on the 31st!

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