10 Cool Products for Overwhelmed Professionals

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If you are like me, you love to find products and resources that can help you be a more efficient professional or that make your life richer, easier, or both. Here are ten that I recommend as I wrap up the 10th birthday of HOPE we’ve been celebrating all month. (One more chance to win the Chick-Fil-A gift card here!) (I have personal experience with each product and can recommend it based on that experience.)

All products with an * can be purchased through my store.

1. Stainless steel straws*: I use these tall straws in my insulated mug (from Quik Trip–great insulated mug that doesn’t sweat) for drinking water and sometimes tea. The straw conducts the temperature of the drink, and they come with a small brush for cleaning. You can also put them in the dishwasher.  metal straw

2. Out of Milk app. This app is great for the “third space” of my life–when I’m out and about. It has both a to-do list section and a shopping list section (as well as listing store deals.) It syncs with my husband’s phone, so when he does grocery shopping (bless him) he can hit “sync” when he gets to the store and see anything I’ve added to the list at any time prior to his stop. I also use the to-do list section when I’m doing a number of errands. I like how you can easily rearrange the order of the tasks, helping me map out an efficient loop.timer app

3. Books.* I try to finish a book a month and track it on a pad and Goodreads. So far I’ve been successful at this goal since January of 2012. Recently finished: More Than His God Card.

More than His God Card


4. Platform University/Platform book. I’m a charter member of this online resource founded by Michael Hyatt. Each week, new content is added specifically related to expanding your influence and all the elements that go into that, including your “why” and “how.” Plus it has helped me connect with other like-minded professionals. Enrollment is available only once or twice a year, so I recommend the book if you can’t enroll.

Platform UPlatform Book

5. Timer apps. I use a few. Multi-timer Alarm Clock Xtreme free and Thyme. These apps are great for helping me keep track on time spent for my clients, or if I want to try to stay focused on one type of activity for a period of time. Timers are your friend!

timers too


6. Essential Oil diffuser.* I use this water-based diffuser mainly at night, to contribute toward a pleasant night’s sleep (something all overwhelmed professionals need.). I like the nightlight effect and that you can see steam coming from it. diffuser

7. Blue Apron. We’ve been using Blue Apron food delivery for a few weeks. I have pros and cons on this one, but share it because I think it can be a big help to busy professionals. You do have to allow time to prepare the food, so if you enjoy cooking as a relaxing hobby, but don’t really like meal planning and shopping, this type of service might be for you. It is helping me grow to enjoy the prep/cooking process more, and skip the shopping/planning part which I enjoy less. It is introducing us to a number of interesting dishes we would probably never try otherwise. Overall we feel it is about 75% successful for our current lifestyle as empty-nesters. We had the opportunity to try one week free when a friend had free weeks to give away. (If you are interested in a free week, contact me.)

blue apron


8. Dry erase board. I’m a big fan of keeping a dry erase board at my desk so I can jot quick reminders or do some quick figuring and then erase it. I prefer this over using sticky notes that can tend to proliferate on desks and monitors.

dry erase board

9. Samsung Galaxy. My smartphone is a mini computer with me all the time. I like the ability to check email, take photos, take notes, use timers, have an up-to-date calendar, and more.


10. My books and resources. I believe in the information I offer you and ask that you consider buying one of my books. Next enrollment for the Conquer Your Calendar online class is coming up soon too. Stay tuned.

Beth books


I hope you’ll visit my store to purchase some of these products. And, if you shop at Amazon anyway, would you like through my site first? At no extra cost to you, I receive a small portion of your purchases.


 Your turn…what is a favorite product to help your overcome overwhelm?

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