Coffee Break Bible Study: Matthew 1-5

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In 2014 we will be traveling through the entire New Testament by going through five chapters per week (I suggest one chapter per weekday.)

[callout]TIP: If you use the YouVersion App, the “Project 51 Plan” appears to work very nicely with Coffee Break Bible Study.[/callout]

I’ll provide 1 or 2 questions per chapter. Please comment so that you can engage in this experience with others. Your involvement can also help the blog grow. You may wish to either print the page (see icon above) or use a journal. Feel free to share the posts with your networks. These are free and I’d love as many people as possible to join us! (If you subscribe to the blog and have posts delivered to you, you will also receive them early on Monday mornings in your e-mail box.)

Day 1 – Read Matthew 1.            

Logos Biblia Verse of the Day


What do you notice about Jesus’ genealogy?

What encourages you from the story of Jesus’ birth?


Day 2 – Read Matthew 2.

Logos Biblia Verse of the Day

Comment about what it might mean to both “rule” and “shepherd.” (Verse 6)

In what ways does God lead you? (Verse 12)



Day 3 – Read Matthew 3.

Logos Biblia Verse of the Day
Logos Biblia Verse of the Day

What was John’s attitude in his ministry role?

Why do you think Jesus was baptized?



Day 4 – Read Matthew 4.

Logos Biblia Verse of the Day
Logos Biblia Verse of the Day

In verse 2, what condition was Jesus in when tempted? In what circumstances do you find temptation hardest to fight?

What touches you about how Jesus called the first disciples?


Day 5 – Read Matthew 5.

Logos Biblia Verse of the Day
Logos Biblia Verse of the Day

Which of the Beatitudes are most meaningful to you and why?

In verses 21-22, Jesus points out that our heart attitude is just as important as our actions. Is there a heart attitude you are harboring that you need to confess?


When commenting, indicate what day’s questions you are answering. You don’t have to write the question out again.

If you like having questions to help you think about the chapters you are reading, you might be interested in my book, A Light for Your Path: Helping You Reflect on Each Chapter of the Bible. This book contains one question or thought prompter for every chapter of God’s Word.hope leaves



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