Coffee Break Bible Study: Matthew 6-10

Logos Biblia Verse of the Day

Read Matthew 6.

Why is it important not to advertise our charitable deeds?


Take some time to pray the Lord’s prayer as written in this chapter.


Read Matthew 7.

Logos Biblia Verse of the Day
Logos Biblia Verse of the Day


What does Jesus tell us about judging others?  How does this correspond with verses 15-20 where He talks about knowing people by their fruits?

How can you continue to build your life on the “rock?”



Read Matthew 8.


How did the Centurion demonstrate faith?

In verse 26, why did Jesus scold the disciples about their lack of faith?





Read Matthew 9.

Logos Biblia Verse of the Day

What would you have said if Jesus came up to you in the midst of your daily life and said, “Follow Me?”

Write your thoughts about one of the miracles Jesus performs here.




Read Matthew 10.

Logos Biblia Verse of the Day
Logos Biblia Verse of the Day

What are some of the instructions Jesus gives to His disciples as He sends them out to minister to others?

What do you think verse 34 means?





When commenting, indicate what day’s questions you are answering. You don’t have to write the question out again.

If you enjoy learning how to apply Scripture to your life, the Life Application Study Bible is a great tool.
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