Coffee Break Bible Study: Luke 2-6

Catch up on our past Coffee Break Bible Studies at the Elevate page.

Read Luke 2.
What is your favorite part of the Christmas story?

Referencing verse 49, what part of the “Father’s business” should you be concentrating on this week?

Read Luke 3.
How did John point people to Christ?

How old was Jesus when He started His public ministry? Do you think there is an ideal age to start?

Read Luke 4.
How did Jesus handle Satan in verse 8?

Why was Jesus sent to earth? (vs. 18-19) How does this comfort you today?

Read Luke 5.
In what practical way did Jesus minister to the crowd?

What do verse 31-32 point out? How do they apply to you?

Read Luke 6.
We see early in the chapter that Jesus “broke the law.” What thoughts do you have about this?

Which beatitude touches you most and why?

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