Coffee Break Bible Study: James 3-5; 1 Peter 1-2 #bgbg2

Read [biblegateway passage=”James 3″].


Why should one be careful about wanting to teach?


What is hard to tame? What struggle do you have with your tongue?


Read [biblegateway passage=”James 4″].


Which of these exhortations most convict you today?


With what perspective should we make our plans?


Read [biblegateway passage=”James 5″].


Why is it sometimes a challenge to be rich?


What do you learn about prayer in this chapter?


Read [biblegateway passage=”1 Peter 1″].


Where does our hope lie?


How does verse 13 challenge you?


Read [biblegateway passage=”1 Peter 2″].


Out of this list of attitudes, which one do you feel you most need to release today?


How does verse 9 make you feel?


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