Coffee Break Bible Study: Acts 6-10

I provide Coffee Break Bible studies to encourage you to take a pause with God’s Word on your busy days. Print it out for a coffee or lunch break, or have a discussion with others!

Read Acts 6:

Why did the apostles feel it was right to delegate the table serving to others?

What do you learn about Stephen?


Read Acts 7:

In this chapter, Stephen relays much of Israel’s history to the high priest. Why do you think he did this?

What do verses 49-50 remind you about God’s power? Do you need a reminder of this regarding a personal situation this week? God is powerful and knows all the details.

Read Acts 8:

Here we see the ugly past of Saul. How can you rejoice that God redeems the past?

How did God Philip? How can He use you in your city today?

Read Acts 9:

How did God get Saul’s attention?

How do you think Ananias felt about the call to go minister to Saul?

Read Acts 10:

What do you understand from Peter’s vision?

In verse 17 we see that Peter was “perplexed.” Then God sent someone to him. How can you trust God today about something that is confusing to you at the moment?

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