Coffee Break Bible Study: Acts 16-20

I provide Coffee Break Bible studies to help you take a pause with God’s Word in your busy day. Let me know if these are a blessing to you!


Read Acts 16.

Who are we introduced to in this chapter?

What was the vision Paul had, and what action was taken in response?


Read Acts 17.

What was Paul’s customary approach to sharing the Gospel?

What city’s people were responsive to the message?


Read Acts 18.

Paul makes a connection with another couple here. How does he do so? Who is a couple in your life that plays an important role in your walk with Christ?


How does God reassure Paul in verese 9-10? How can He reassure you today?


Read Acts 19.

Why is the gift of the Holy Spirit important?

What were some tangible responses people made when turning to Christ?


Read Acts 20.

What does verse 21 indicate about how Paul made decisions?

Why were the town folk concerned about Paul? Do you face persecution because of your stand for the Lord?


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