Coffee Break Bible Study: Acts 11-15

I provide Coffee Break Bible studies to help you pause with God’s word in your busy day/week. I would love to know if these are a blessing to you!


Read Acts 11.

How did Peter handle criticism?

What was Barnabas like?


Read Acts 12.

What miracle did Peter experience? What can God free you from?

When Rhoda told the people praying that Peter was at the door, how did they react? What does this reveal about praying with expectation?


Read Acts 13.

What touches you about Paul and Barnabas’ ministry?

How did people respond to their ministry?


Read Acts 14.

What did Paul and Barnabas do when people attempted to stone them?

How did Paul and Barnabas react to the people putting them on a pedestal? What does this say about humble service?


Read Acts 15.

What argument came up between two groups, and how was it resolved?

What other disagreement arose?


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