Read [biblegateway passage=”2 Peter 3″].
Why did Peter write his letters?
Ponder verse 8 in light of something you are waiting for.
Read [biblegateway passage=”1 John 1″].
What symbol/analogy about God is used here?
Write out verse 7.
Read [biblegateway passage=”1 John 2″].
What admonishments from this chapter stand out to you or convict you personally?
What does it mean to love the world?
Read [biblegateway passage=”1 John 3″].
Take a moment to praise God for His great love for you.
Think of someone in your life that is unlovable. How can you reach out to him or her today?
Read [biblegateway passage=”1 John 4″].
Why is it important to “test the spirit” and not just accept everything you are told?
Again, there is a focus on love. What about this passage stands out to you?