Coffee Break Bible Study: 1 Peter 3-5; 2 Peter 1-2 #bgbg2

Read [biblegateway passage=”1 Peter 3.”]

What verses in this chapter most speak to your family situation?


Is there someone you are having trouble living in harmony with? Pray for that person today, and do something to serve them.


Read  [biblegateway passage=”1 Peter 4″].

What does it mean to be “clear-minded?”


Should we expect to suffer as Christians?


Read [biblegateway passage=”1 Peter 5″].

What does Peter tell the elders?


Take a moment to ponder verse 7. Write on a piece of paper something that is worrying you (use code if you have to.) Then crumple it up and throw it away, symbolizing “casting your care.”


Read [biblegateway passage=”2 Peter 1″].

Where do we get everything that we truly need?


What do you learn about Scripture in this chapter?


Read [biblegateway passage=”2 Peter 2″].


What warnings does Peter give here?


Think about your relationships. Are there any that are unhealthy or destructive? How is God leading you to deal with them?



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