"Beth Doesn't Like Sticky Notes"

During an all-day speaking engagement some time ago I mentioned that I am not a big fan of sticky notes. It’s becoming a bit of a known quirk now that “Beth doesn’t like sticky notes.” I don’t mind them as a temporary tool, but they quickly become permanent fixtures on desks, monitors and other parts of the office and that becomes visual clutter. So I’ve found an alternative for the times when you need to do some doodling, quick figuring, or keep track of something for just a few minutes–a dry erase board and marker.

I keep small dry erase boards at my desks/portable office bag for jotting figures that don’t need a life beyond that day, or even that hour, at my work space.

Here are some other cool things you can do with dry erase equipment:

1) Use a dry erase marker to jot a reminder on your bathroom mirror (or a note to your loved one.)

[Tweet “Use a dry erase marker to jot a reminder or note to a loved one on the bathroom mirror.”]

2) Keep a dry erase menu on your refrigerator that you can easily erase and update daily, always having several days of meal ideas planned ahead.

3) Use a dry erase marker on certain types of lids to mark whose lunch is whose (test on a small area first).

Your turn: How could you use a dry erase board to unclutter your desk surfaces?

[callout]But all things should be done decently and in order. [biblegateway passage=”1 Corinthians 14:40″] [/callout]

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