7 Roles Every Manager Must Master for Results that Last

7 roles


One of the benefits of having my own business is the privilege to interact with several high-quality clients from a variety of industries. Not only do I get to build a business by supporting them, I also strengthen my personal and professional development due to interacting with their content and experience.

One area of expertise I really enjoy supporting is that of leadership. I believe in what my client Karin Hurt of Let’s Grow Leaders, teaches and have willingly become an affiliate of her course Results that Last: 7 Roles Every Manager Must Master. I’ve worked in quite a number of places through the years, and have seen management/leadership fall anywhere on the scale of effectiveness from low to high. (And no, I won’t tell you who landed where.) I assure you…Karin’s no-nonsense approach to leadership is desperately needed in all types of organizations.

(Ironic rabbit trail…the very day I was writing this at a coffee shop, I happened to overhear a millennial say–I assume in regard to some group or workplace she was part of–”We did have poor leadership at times.” So obviously, leadership is a topic on people’s minds!)

During the month of November, I’m going to be blogging my way through this 10-module course, reviewing two modules a week for the five Mondays of the month. I’ve been given permission to share my greatest takeaways from each module, specifically applying them to the context of an overwhelmed professional since that’s my niche market. And, I may be throwing in a surprise or two.

I realize not all my readers have supervisory roles. But many of you do work for quality organizations that would benefit from leadership training like this with the bonus of it being very flexible. And at the very least, you do supervise YOURSELF.  So I hope you’ll look forward with me to taking a deeper look at the roles you must master to be effective as a leader–no matter WHO you lead–your family, yourself, a group of volunteers, or a workplace team. If you like what you are hearing and want to go through the course with me, use this link to enroll in the course, and HOPE will receive a portion of your enrollment. 

See you next Monday when we get started!

PS: Here’s a special message to my readers from Karin:

I’m excited to be partnering with Beth on my growing leaders mission and look forward to giving you practical tips proven to get results that last. I look forward to your insights and perspectives and look forward to interacting with you in the comments. I’m always looKarin Headshot 1king to meet people investing in their development and striving to make their organizations more meaningful, impactful and productive.



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