Confident Humility: The Foundation for Results that Last



I’m blogging my way through the course Results that Last: 7 Roles Every Manager Must Master by Karin Hurt of Let’s Grow Leaders, one of the people I have the privilege of assisting through my business. This week, we’re focusing Units 1 & 2 of this 10 unit course.

Unit 1: Introduction7 roles tree

The course is set up in a practical, time-respectful way. It is a nice mix of videos and exercises, that you can fill in on screen and print, or download to fill out on your own. This makes it easy for overwhelmed professionals to take one concept at a time and apply it in different ways. It appeals to various learning styles too, with its visual and auditory elements plus hands-on activities and reflection opportunities.

Key takeaways from this unit were:

  • Getting to know how to proceed through the course and understanding that it will not take hours of time (for example, the videos were less than five minutes each.)
  • A personal “leadership credo” is very valuable. It’s like a mission statement, only deeper. Busy people rarely take the time to think through “why” they are doing what they do or in the career they are in, or how they will lead others. This exercise gives you the road map to start thinking about those things.
  • All managers have seven roles that they must master–a cocktail to get breakthrough results.
    • Translator
    • Builder
    • Connector
    • Galvanizer
    • Accelerator
    • Backer
    • Ambassador
  • Question for my readers: Which of the above roles intrigues you the most?  (If you’d like to take a look at several suggestions of leaders who reflect the above roles, check out the collaborative post here.)

Unit 2: The Foundation: Confident Humility15-Confident Humility

#confidenthumility is one of Karin’s core values. The main takeaway from this unit is grasping the understanding that you can be confident without being arrogant, and humble without being full of self-doubt. She tells a good story in this unit about a visit to a ranch where the tour leader could’ve benefited from a better balance of confidence with humility.

Question for my readers: What leader do you think demonstrates a mix of confidence with humility? 

Next week I’ll be learning about the roles of Translator and Builder.

Please comment, contact me, or interact on social media with your thoughts! And, if you and your team are ready to enroll in the course yourselves, click on the banner above and you’ll benefit HOPE too!

PS: I mentioned I might be giving you some surprises. Here’s one. Karin has written a book about mentoring millennials and is sharing her free download directly here for my readers! Click on the image to enjoy!


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