25 Business Lessons from Romans 12


1. Continually learn and refresh your mind.

2. Be realistic about your strengths and challenges.

3. Don’t make impulsive decisions.

4. Focus on using your gifts well and team up with people who have different talents.

5. Be sincere.

6. Do the right thing. Be ethical.

7. Be devoted to your clients and customers.

8. Honor other businesses above your own.

9. Be zealous and passionate about what you do.

10. Be optimistic and forward looking

11. Be patient in the hard or lean times.

12. Build on a foundation of values.

13. Share with others.

14. Practice hospitality.

15. Bless your haters.

16. Rejoice with others who succeed.

17. Be compassionate with those who fail

18. Practice cooperation, not competition.

19. Don’t be arrogant.

20. Be willing to network with people outside your industry.

21. Treat all clients and customers, small or large, with excellence and dignity.

22. Don’t take revenge.

23. Develop a good reputation.

24. As much as in your power, live at peace with everyone else.

25. Overcome evil with good.

Bonus: Remember Who the true Boss is.

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