Pointers for Professionals: Tips for preparing for a trip


Some of you are looking forward to a vacation that’s coming soon.

Others of you can’t wait to go on another one.

Whenever your next trip happens to be, it takes some work–at work–to properly plan to take a vacation.  Here are some tips from professionals like you!

Jessica Broadstreet of Triad Virtual Assisting   makes sure all her deadlines have been met and looks into what may be coming up to see if she can make a jump start. She also sets her email to respond with when she will return and if she plans on checking her emails etc. Connect with Jessica.

Meredith Jones (@thismeredithj) of MeredithJ.com shares that since she does client work, she makes sure her clients have plenty of prior notice that she will be going on vacation. While I do handle some work while on vacation, she makes sure that she completes any project work before she leaves.  Connect with Meredith.

Lori Schofer  (@LoriSchofer) of Level UP Now Coaching advises to delegate everything you can well in advance of your vacation. Be sure the major responsibilities are covered and communicate that to your boss.  Connect with Lori.

And a few from yours truly:

  • Since my tasks are established in Outlook and assigned to certain days (whether standalone or recurring) I can look ahead for days I’ll be gone and try to do some things that I could work on ahead of time. I love to return to a zero task list that picks up with the day I’m back to work.
  • Consider what tasks could simply be suspended altogether while you are gone. There are some things (i.e. office supply ordering) that don’t really have to be done EVERY week.
  • Try to truly unplug–or at least be hard to reach. Being a little less available may help coworkers and bosses stand on their own feet while you’re gone for a few days. Sometimes our penchant for checking in is really a cover for the security of feeling irreplaceable (or wanting to feel indispensible.) Life–and work–will go on while you’re out!

Also, you may want to check out this great post, The Go-to Strategies to Prepare Yourself the Week Before Vacation.

Whether you have a trip coming soon, or are already planning your next vacation, I hope it’s refreshing and restorative.

Thanks again to our contributors to this collaborative post. Pointers for Professionals will be on hiatus now until the fall. Watch for your opportunity to contribute again later this year!

Now you: What’s your best tip for preparing at work before going on a vacation?



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