many thanks

An Open Letter to the HOPE Family

Beutler-3264(edit)An open letter to all of our HOPE family,

October 15, 2015 was my last day as an employee of another business. While HOPE Unlimited has been around since 2005, I consider October 15 as the anniversary of being fully focused on my own company, and I have much to be thankful for in this first year. Since that “marker” day is coming up this coming Saturday, I wanted to kick off this “anniversary week” by using this 200th post to say “thanks!”

I want to thank God for providing clients, students, readers, and colleagues that have helped HOPE Unlimited begin to serve key leaders and bring encouragement to overwhelmed professionals around the country. I have appreciated several opportunities to speak and teach in live settings, and anticipate increasing what I offer via online tools.

I have one more ebook coming out by the end of the year, and my other books are in production as audio books now.  There’s been at least one new post a week on the blog since January 2014, and now I’m regularly doing Facebook live Tips in 10 presentations.

On the virtual assisting front, we are steadily incorporating team members to provide excellent service on a variety of tasks for our clients. Four additional professionals who share our values allow us to seamlessly provide many kinds of support, and our retainer system remains a flexible way for individuals, executives and entrepreneurs to receive the administrative support they need without hiring an employee.  Thank you to those who have spread the word–word of mouth is a great form of advertising.

For all these things, I give thanks. I wouldn’t have a business without people contracting us, buying my resources, hiring me to teach, or keeping up with us on the blog or social media. And I wouldn’t have HOPE if God didn’t instill the gifts, energy, and time and wisdom to steward it. It’s a constant learning process.

If HOPE can be of service to you in any of these areas, please contact us. And again, THANK YOU for allowing us to serve you and be part of your life.


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