Hope in action

Hope In Action – Hope Inaction – an Open Letter


On September 28th, we co-sponsored a Sole Hope Shoe Party as our Hope In Action initiative for the third quarter of 2018.  The best way to summarize the evening is to share part of the recap letter that went out to participants.  I’ve included that below.

I had an idea or two for the fourth quarter project for 2018, but instead felt led to institute a Hope “inaction” period.  More and more I’m feeling drawn by the need for people (and myself) to take adequate rest breaks in a world that is becoming more and more rushed and volatile.  So I’m setting an example by NOT pressuring myself or others about another project, just to say we did one per quarter.

Our three projects this year were meaningful and hopefully will continue to bless others for some time to come.  I think a period of “inaction” on such initiatives can be effective too.

For recaps of all our projects, and the plan for the final quarter, click here for the Hope in Action page.

Thanks for your support!


A Message from Bed, Bikes & Beyond AirBnB & HOPE Unlimited:

Hello Sole Hope Shoe Party Participants, both virtual and in attendance!

THANK YOU so much for your collective contributions to this event.  We are delighted to share that denim templates for 37 pairs of shoes were prepared and will be on their way to Uganda soon!  That’s 7 more than the goal of 30 thanks to your provision of denim, funding, and working hands!

Click here for the link to the online photo album.  
Click here for Beth’s Instagram Story on the evening.  You do not have to be on Instagram to enjoy it. It should just be playable as is.

Again, thanks for joining with us in person and/or in spirit to help us bring hope to children on the other side of the world.



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