Happy Summer (Mindset)

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Today seems like a good day to give you a sabbath moment instead of a blog post. As Memorial Day is here, first I want to express gratefulness for those who have given their lives to protect us and our freedom.

Next, I hope that many of you were able to carve out a few restful moments this weekend away from your tasks, papers, and emails.

Finally, since the summer mindset has begun, I ask you to think about how to make it great. Ways to relax. A book you might commit to finishing. Some clean up of your files or desk. A self-care goal. Think about how you want to feel at the end of the summer and make a plan now to make it happen.

In the meantime, enjoy a photo my son took to inspire you to carve out those moments of relaxation and reflection. That’s an important discipline in learning to overcome overwhelm!

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