Happy LEAP Year!

Image: Clipart.com

Every few years, February gets an extra day. Today happens to be that, so happy LEAP year! I got to thinking…what would you do with one extra day per month?

Chances are, as novel as an extra day a month could be, and the big plans we may have for it, it would eventually flow into the normal routine. Rather like today, which is a typical Monday for many of us.

But because it is technically an extra day, I encourage you to take the LEAP and for today:

Learn something new: good advice for every day, but today, take a moment to read a blog post or a chapter of a helpful book.

Embrace the day you are in: my husband and I look forward to a nice trip coming up later this year. Friends mention that we must be getting excited. We both realized this weekend that we are looking foward to it, but with a contented anticipation, not a “can’t wait” attitude. In part, I’ve been trying to really learn to enjoy and embrace the day I’m in and soak it in rather than having a mindset of always looking forward. I hope my brain will be in that “embrace mode” as a habit by the time the trip rolls around, so that on the trip, I will truly soak and savor every hour and not have it feel like “it went by so fast” when it’s over.

Appreciate someone: who can you take a moment to give a shoutout to today?

Plan wisely: take a few minutes today to consider the month of March. Is your calendar too full? Do you have plans for something fun? Be intentional about planning a productive but balanced month.

Take the LEAP and enjoy today! Let me know how it went!


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