Four Reasons Why You Should Enroll in Conquer Your Calendar Part 2


Calendar Course
NEW 60-90 minute course (self-paced.) Introductory price $29. Price increases to $49 5/1/17. Click to learn more and enroll!

Part of my April Theme Month on the topic of calendars is to introduce you to my new course, Conquer Your Calendar. Each week, I’ll give you a reason for joining into HOPE Academy and being part of this course, specifically.

Reason number 2: Conquer Your Calendar will give you strategies.

We all approach our calendar in unique ways. In the course, I discuss some approaches that may help you dial-in your calendar to be an even more effective tool.

Enroll today!

And click here to answer one question about how your calendar makes you feel. I’ll share the results in a later post!

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