Com-MIT to your Most Important Thing

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Being a generalist is my specialty–people hire me to take care of the little things. As a Virtual Assistant and business owner, I have a myriad of little tasks each week to keep up with, for my clients and myself. Although I help overwhelmed professionals excel, I can feel overwhelmed too.

So what’s a busy pro to do?

Take some advice from the exceptional book, Winning Well, by Karin Hurt & David Dye.* Ask yourself,

What’s the Most Important Thing?

On the day I am writing this, I am booked to teach the first of a summer lunch and learn series for a local company. My comMITment to them is the most important thing for today. Yes, I have a list of other things to do, but my mind needs to be primarly focused on serving that group well.

Since that comMITment is not going to take the entire day, there are other important things I can and should plan for.  Things like:  wrapping up details from another speaking assignment. Investing in some VA client work. Taking some time for myself and a current hobby.  Conveniently some of these can take place in the vicinity of that company, and after I’m finished, so it will be an efficient use of the rest of the day.

So for me, MIT can become “multiple important things.”  (I bet you have those days, too.)

However, the concept of the MOST important thing still applies. The other things I mentioned don’t HAVE to be done today. But my comMITment to that company is priority.  Returning to that focus when I start to feel scatterbrained will help me stay centered. So, now it’s time to go review and make sure I have everything ready. (After I make a cup of coffee.)

Your turn: What is your MIT for today?[reminder]


*I am privileged to be the Virtual Assistant for Winning Well and am thrilled they are one of my clients. But having just finished the book, I can tell you without bias that it is excellent. Visit my store for this book and more products I recommend.

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