
12 Reasons to Make Friends at Work (Guest post)

Much of our adult lives are dominated by our jobs—and the stress that comes with them. In today’s hyper-connected world, employees are often expected to be always-on, connected to their clients and their jobs even when they’re not on the clock.

As a result, work-related stress is increasingly becoming a problem, with 47 percent of Americans concerned about the amount of stress in their lives. What’s more, “job pressure” has been found to be the number one cause of stress in the United States.  (Take 30 seconds to breathe today!)

There are a number of ways to decrease work stress, but one lesser known one is surprisingly simple: make friends with your coworkers. According to research, having friends in the office can actually improve your emotional wellbeing and decrease stress, as well as improve your job satisfaction.

The team at GetVoip put together an infographic outlining the 12 reasons to make friends at work. Check them out below—and maybe consider striking up a conversation with your cubemate at the watercooler.

Graphic compliments of

12 Science-Backed Reasons You Should Make Friends at Work

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