Onsite Administrative Support Specialist

Would you love to have an experienced event planner onsite for your event? An assistant representing your brand and message seamlessly while an employee is on vacation? Someone objective to come to planning meetings or take notes or manage a project plan? We can help!

As a separate specialty, HOPE Unlimited offers Onsite Administrative Support Specialist packages to provide you in-person help at your meeting, event, or physical location.

(Any work or meetings that can be handled virtually would fall under our regular executive virtual assistance retainers.)

The specifics of each event/meeting/project are taken into consideration and an estimate will be provided for the client to consider. The following are general guidelines to give you an idea of potential fees that would be included in your no-obligation estimate. Once an agreement is made, a 50% deposit is required to lock in the dates. The remaining 50% will be invoiced after the event and will be due upon receipt.



  • We provide attentive, brand-friendly and responsive onsite assistance for your event, meeting or project, helping with a wide variety of tasks.
  • We treat your event/project/meeting with respect, not using it as an opportunity to advertise our services other than answer any direct questions, making sure to appear a seamless part of YOUR team.
  • You understand that during periods of downtime (i.e. while workshops are in progress, a front desk is quiet, etc.) we may:
    • attend a workshop unobtrusively and in a way that allows us to be readily on-call to you
    • work on personal projects in a non-disturbing way
    • work on other chargeable business work for you or other clients, provided it does not interfere with our immediate availability to you.  Note: depending on the situation, tasks done specifically for you during downtime will be part of the daily rate above and not deducted additionally out of your virtual assistance retainer.

Tell us more about your onsite needs!

Onsite Administrative Support Specialist

Onsite Administrative Support Specialist - Daily Rates

The following prices include any time you need us to be present for a project/event/meeting. (Rates are not cumulative. They reset at the beginning of each new business day.)

  • 1-4 hours - $150
  • 4-8 hours - $300
  • 8-12 hours - $450
  • 12-16 hours - $600

Travel/Commute Expenses:

The following travel/commute expenses will be invoiced in addition to the daily rates mentioned above. Travel is arranged by us with the input of the client (i.e. for discounted rates they may have negotiated.)

  • Travel/commute time reimbursement of $20 per hour, both ways, door-to-door including reasonable rest and meal stops.  Any personal sightseeing/visits/errands done in either direction will NOT be included in the travel time portion of the invoice.
  • Airfare and/or mileage reimbursement based on the current government rate for travel to and from the location; transfer and parking fees; incidental expenses such as tips.
  • Lodging consisting of a private room & bathroom, if applicable.
  • Reasonable food provision, either part of the event, per diem or in combination, if applicable. (Usually not expected for temporary, local assignments.)
  • Registrant privileges at event (i.e. opportunity to attend lectures on downtime, access to meals provided to attendees, goodie bags, etc.)


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