Growth and Development Conversations

It’s not coaching. It’s not counseling. It's not consulting. It’s a conversation.



"I've known Beth for quite a few years now. We think the same in many respects, seeking to incorporate our faith in making decisions. Recently, I called on her to get some feedback with high pressure I was feeling at work. She was a good sounding board because she didn't know anyone involved. Talking with her gave me several options to consider what my next step should be in the situation I was facing."  - Kristin K.

All that’s missing in my next conversation–is you!

Personal growth, creative professional development, and connection have been important to me throughout my life. I enjoy sharing the journey of life-long learning and practical growth with others, especially when it comes to the intangible but vital "soft skills" of emotional intelligence, interpersonal relationships, leadership, productivity, and values-based living.  In addition, I've been blessed with a growing network of connections from a variety of sources, and keep informed of activities, tips, and resources that will help others pursue excellence in life and work.

Plus, over 30 years of administrative, management, and entrepreneurial experience (much of it in ministry and with small businesses), writing, speaking and a reputation for creativity and responsiveness position me to be an engaging and practical friend to those who want to pursue excellence in their lives and work.

In trying to find the right words for the unique help I offer, and knowing I'm not a credentialed counselor, coach, or consultant (but use elements of all three in my approach) I came up with the term "Personal Growth Facilitator." In this informal role, I've  shared many tips and practical concepts through a variety of media for many years. I've made important introductions for others. I've inspired people to enjoy life with creative ideas and the sharing of opportunities. And I prompt thoughtful discussion (often on social media) as a way to help people think in an ordered way and converse well in a society known for reactivity.  So why not make it more formal?

I see helping people in this way as a fulfillment of a God-gifted calling, using the following guiding principles:

  • H - inspiring them to embrace a healthy, holistic values-based life of happiness and joy
  • O - opening doors that will help them thrive
  • P - activating their personal and professional growth 
  • E - encouraging their meaningful engagement with God and others.

I use the following framework to organize my content and encourage people to develop lives marked by:

  • H - Holy Living -   developing spiritually, guided by a non-denominational, biblical view of life and work
  • O - Organized Thinking - living fruitfully, managing time effectively, thinking well
  • P -  People Skills - modeling kindness, communicating constructively, managing interaction wisely
  • E -  Emotional Intelligence - understanding our internal self, reading others well, responding appropriately, enjoying life.

Personal Development Conversations are one of the ways I help others navigate growth in their own life, whether they are considering a job change, want to develop more efficient administrative systems, are growing in faith while juggling a busy schedule, desire a form of accountability for their goals, or seek to deepen soft skills such as understanding temperaments, strengthening emotional intelligence, productivity, and time management. And maybe, they just want to learn to have more fun in life.

Instead of charging a fee, these conversations are available in a "give what you can" format, to allow for anyone of any means to have time to chat about anything related to personal or professional growth.  (Virtual Executive Assistance clients can benefit from these conversations as part of their retained/subscribed service.)

To request a Personal Development Conversation, click here and fill out the contact form.


Spill the Beans
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