The Bookshelf of Hope

Books that Beth has written or recommends.

Books Beth has Authored

My approach to reading, and in some ways, writing, is to break it into manageable pieces. For many years, I have practiced the habit of finishing (reading, not writing!) one book per month. Not STARTING and finishing, but finishing. This allows for a reasonable, steady pace and the handling of more than one book in progress at a time.

As for writing, I currently have one e-book in the works, and have been gathering information over time for another one. Stay tuned!

These are books that I think will help you excel and exhale in your life. I think you'll enjoy them! By purchasing books via these links, I will enjoy a small compensation from Amazon without additional cost to you. I only recommend books I have read, or written. 🙂 Thank you.

Books Beth Recommends

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